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Kratom has a long history in Thailand and has been used traditionally for centuries by local people for medicinal purposes and as a stimulant. The herb can be found throughout Southeast Asia and has become increasingly popular in recent years worldwide.


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​Kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The herb has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, as a natural remedy for a wide range of ailments, including pain, diarrhea, and coughing. In recent years, the popularity of kratom has grown worldwide, as more people have discovered its potential therapeutic effects.


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Traditional Use

The history of kratom dates back centuries, with evidence of its traditional use in Southeast Asia as a medicinal herb and as a stimulant. Farmers and laborers in these regions would use kratom leaves to help alleviate pain after long days in the fields. It was also used in traditional ceremony rituals, as an offering or symbol of respect.




Commercialization of Kratom

In the early 19th century, kratom was first introduced to western countries by Dutch botanist Pieter Willem Korthals. However, it was not until the 20th century that kratom was commercially traded as a medicinal herb. It became popular as an alternative to opium and opiate-based painkillers, which were known for their addictive properties.


Modern Day Use and Controversy

Today, kratom has gained popularity worldwide, with many people using it to alleviate chronic pain, anxiety, and depression, and to improve their overall mood and focus. Despite its growing popularity, kratom remains controversial due to its potential side effects and risks, particularly in high doses. There is also controversy around its legality, with some countries and states classifying kratom as a controlled substance. 


In conclusion, kratom has a long and rich history of traditional use in Southeast Asia, and its therapeutic potential is increasingly being recognized by people worldwide. 

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